Hello Juan, first of all I would be glad if you don't swear on my page!
I'm just kidding. Because usually everything about monetary systems and the source of many inequalities is a joke.
When we look at them as bad and good people, we can say that cryptos are already a manipulative market that "bad people" use as a means of enrichment. However, on the other hand, you can earn interest rates that central banks have never provided in a very short time and you can earn money with great volatility. It is in their profit for states to tax this. However, in my reading about this, I came across something funny. Taking all the risks and risking losing most of its money, the crypto exchange investor says: "If the state will tax me, then be partner to my loss too :D I consider this rhetoric as a funny and correct riot. When we look at the taxation of cryptocurrencies, the decentralized structure and stock exchange diversity appear to be a major obstacle to taxation.